1. Too Much Of A Good Thing Is Not Always A Good Thing.
Is he overly attentive all of a sudden? Does his behavior seem out of character? I’m talking about over the top attention (that is out of the ordinary), gifts that he would not normally buy and odd phone calls at odd times. It is great to have all those things if he has always behaved that way. If he hasn’t, then you may want to give things a second look.
2. The New Man.
If you man is suddenly rocking out to music you have never heard of, wearing a new scent and is all of a sudden the life of the party (when he was once a wallflower), it could be a sign there is something else going on in his life. Mid-life crisis is always an option, but if that is not the case, he could be straying. Often times, men take on new behavior or the likes of the person they are trying to impress and striving to be with.
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